Tuesday, December 27, 2011


hands down the best review i've ever received (Total Abuse - Prison Sweat LP):

"This is fucked up. Possibly the bleakest thing I've ever heard. Definitely in the same pocket as pigeon religion but with a more hardcore tinge to it. The sound of self-hatred, not just like "I'm depressed, I think I'm a piece of shit" but self-hatred in the sense of actual hate, actual loathing. Intense self-destruction not just in the sense of nihilism but in the sense of an actual true desire to violently destroy ones self, slowly and painfully. It's a really good record." (MM) from MRR

Saturday, December 3, 2011


"Total Abuse have been dishing out their disturbing brand of hardcore music over the span of 3 excellent full length Lp's , a 7" and a demo tape later released on 7" vinyl.

Their new album "Prison Sweat" begins with a long creepy intro of ringing distorted guitars that will make the hair on your arms stand up. As a matter of fact my wife actually burst into the room while I was playing this record in a panic because the intro was actually scaring her and making her uncomfortable (she actually said it sounded like people were being tortured) , and at that very moment I knew this record was special.

After the intro the band throws itself full throttle into a twisted mess of swirling ringing guitars and demented sounding vocals. At times the band takes a slower approach with equally effective results. Honestly, what Total Abuse does better than most bands is set a mood with their music. It's a disturbing mood that will leave you feeling a little dirty in the end, however...feeling dirty never felt so good...Dave G."